
  1. John W. Creswell – Educational Research (4th Ed) Unduh
  2. Jacobs, dkk – Introduction to Research in Education Unduh
  3. John W.Best – Research in Education (8th Ed) Unduh
  4. Louis Cohen, dkk – Research Methods in Education Unduh
  5. Solso, dkk – Cognitive Psychology Unduh
  6. Robinson · An Introduction to Abstract Algebra Unduh
  7. Gilbert – Elements of Modern Algebra Unduh
  8. Durbin – Modern Algebra Unduh
  9. Hall – An Introduction to Abstract Algebra Unduh
  10. Axler – Abstract Algebra Unduh
  11. Dummit – Abstract Algebra Unduh
  12. Bloom – Taxonomy of Educational Objectives Unduh
  13. Brocks – Best Practices for Teaching Unduh
  14. Plass – Cognitive Load Theory Unduh
  15. Lowery – Effective Questioning in Classroom Unduh
  16. Fernando M. Reimers – Implementing Deeper Learning Unduh
  18. Evans – How_to_Be_a_Researcher Unduh
  19. Hung-Hsi Wu – Algebra and Geometry Unduh
  20. Hung-Hsi Wu – Pre-Calculus Unduh
  21. Hung-Hsi Wu – Rational Numbers to Linear Equations Unduh
  22. Hung-Hsi Wu – Teaching School Mathematics Algebra Unduh
  23. Hung-Hsi Wu – Teaching School Mathematics Prealgebra Unduh
  24. Hungerford_Algebra Unduh
  25. Joseph Gallian-Contemporary Abstract Algebra Unduh
  26. Psychology in the Classroom – A Teachers Guide Unduh
  27. Whisler-Dimensions of Learning Unduh
  28. Teaching Models_ Designing Instruction for 21st Century Unduh
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  30. Theories of Math Education Unduh
  31. How to Design and Evaluate Research Unduh
  32. Handbook Research Math Unduh
  33. Sternberg – Cognitive Psychology Unduh
  34. International Handbook of Self Study Unduh
  35. Self Study Powerfull Pedagogy Unduh
  36. Conducting Educational Research Unduh
  37. Educational Design Research Unduh
  38. Assestmen Learning and Employability Unduh
  39. Math Puzzles and Brainteasers Unduh
  40. Heinold – A Practical Introduction to Python Programming Unduh
  41. Edupreneurship Unduh
  42. Kewirausahaan Unduh
  43. Yackel – A Journey in Mathematics Education Research Unduh
  44. Stringer – Integrating Teaching, Learning, and Action Research Unduh
  45. Emerson – The Dyscalculia Assesment Unduh
  46. Li-fang Zhang – Handbook of Intellectual Styles Unduh
  47. John A. Van de Walle – Elementary and Middle School Mathematics Unduh
  48. Saracho – Teachers’ and Students’ Cognitive Styles in Early Childhood Education Unduh
  49. Chinn & Ashcroft – Mathematics for Dyslexics Including Dyscalculia Unduh
  50. Sumaryanta – Model Pengembangan Tes Unduh
  51. Paul & Elder – Socratic Questioning Unduh
  52. Marzano & Kendall – Designing & Assessing Educational Objectives Unduh
  53. Marzano & Pickering – Dimension of Learning Unduh
  54. Jane Hunter – Technology Integration and High Possibility Classrooms Unduh
  55. Irwin & Ross – Cognitive Vision Unduh
  56. Carol Brown – Cognitive Psychology Unduh
  57. Braisby – Cognitive Psychology Unduh
  58. NCTM – Reasoning and Sense making Unduh
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